It is our pleasure and pride to introduce you to yet another colorful group of lucky dogs that found love and shelter through our partners in Germany! Some of them have gone straight home to their new families, others have remained in a most wonderful shelter where the conditions are just like a luxury hotel for them. Here they are, the lucky mutts:
This lovely angel has the name of Koleda (Christmas), so you probably do not need pointers about the day that she was dumped. Sadly, regardless of the obvious (that Koleda is a true angel), not a single person asked about her in the 5 months we had her. She was probably going to remain with us forever – if it wasn’t for this amazing opportunity she got from our German friends! So, Koleda’s Christmas miracle was just a tiny bit late – it came at Easter.
Severina – she was most likely dumped in the park when her owners realized that what they bought as a basset is a noisy, demanding, lively little pony! She spent a little time at Bogrov and packed her bags for a happy life in Germany, where her beauty and talents will be much better received!
Another dumped pet – little hunting girl Rita. She was found on the day of the Atomic Plant Referendum – someone had left her inside a school where the elections were held and she was searching for that someone very restlessly. She didn’t have the chance to vote, though, she was quickly caught and brought to the shelter in hopes that someone would answer her “Found dog” ads. As you can guess – this never happened and Rita was lucky to be adopted in Germany!
Mookie came in with distemper and it took quite a while to stabilize her. And just when we thought we had solved all her problems, the little hernia that our doctor decided to tackle while the dog was anaesthetized for neutering, turned out to be a kidney! Tiny Mookie was operated, and despite her un-impressive weight of 3 kilos (it must be 3 kilos of courage and bravery), she managed to recover! She is now in Germany, safe, sound and loved!
And this is Mola – a friendly people-loving tramp that d-r Stankova picked up in a poor condition from Seslavci. The girl was lucky to live at the kind doctor’s foster home, where she quickly recovered and became friend with everyone. She is now through with all the misfortunes and is happy in the hugs of her new German owners!
The first days of spring found lovely lady Kara dumped in the square of a tiny Sofia village – confused, frozen and very hungry. Her monster owners had torn her away from new-born puppies and driven her far, far away, so she could never return. Kara spend her first days outside restlessly seeking her children, until she realized she will never see them, or her owners again. A miracle brought her to Bogrov and then another miracle sent her to Germany – she must be a very special dog for life to treat her so kindly!
He looks sweet doesn’t he? Meet Pavel – a little pet that was abandoned in a very unusual way: instead of the street, it was in an apartment! He was left by tenants who were in a hurry to leave unnoticed and “forgot” him. The neighbors complained to the apartment owner about a dog barking in the locked-up apartment and that’s how he came to us. The little sweetheart was fast to find people who’d love him and is already barking in German!
This is another one of our Gergana’s – only this on is not von Bogrov, but von Foster Home. Geri is such a lovely character, that she quickly made new friends with the dog-people of the neighborhood where she was dumped. She spent some time with them and we managed to find her a place where people are as nice and kind as she is – in Germany!
Bezha is a kind heart that lived with grympy Lars and Risotto – two of our boys who have their own ideas who they can and cannot live with. So, Bezha was chosen as a “trusted outsider” and put in their outside enclosure to teach them manners. With her duty fulfilled, Bezha now has German citizenship and will no longer take care of others – it is her turn to be spoiled!
This is Blulio! A friendly, social boy we named after Blula, a lovely lady we named after Blue… As you can guess – they all look alike – the same silky tigers with a kind heart and a great luck! This here youngster came into our lives after we found him tied up to the shelter’s fence – sometimes being dumped so barbarically turns out to be a favor!
This white bear is called Milky – a ball of fur created for hugging and cuddles by the Dog Gods. Sadly, besides the hugs, Milky must have had quite a lot of bad stuff set up for her in life. The good thing about it is that it is now all in the past and now Milky will get the long years of German happiness, she has earned in her hard life.
Ta-ta-ra-ra! Flory has left the shelter! Finally! She is the last of a litter we admitted back in October 2010. Florys other remaining sister – Rita, went to the same kind people a while ago. Seing what a good dog she is and thinking how sad it must be for the other little sister to remain last and alone, our German friends offered a new chance and a new life to Flory!
This charming gentleman is called Pizho. He is one of the dogs that an elderly lady keeps at the shelter premises. He was treated for demodecosis as a puppy, you’d be surpised how ugly he was a youngling – all terrified of people and sick. But, he is young enough and we managed to treat him and the volunteers did a great job socializing him. We are only sorry we can’t show his proud German owners what an ugly little duckling he was when he came along.
Two others of the elderly woman’s dogs – it is Chernusha and Lora. They too were very shy and quiet, but it didn’t take long until the volunteers melted the ice and taught them to love people. The two ladies are abandoned pets – a mother and a daughter.
Short-legged Lidl became German too! Always up for games and walks – our little guy will be very happy with his new country life. He need not remember his cruel motherland – there will be no more abandonment for him, only joy!
And now – Mirka and Zara. If you don’t remember them by name – you’ll probably know them as the “furries at cage 10”. They do look alike, but their stories are totally different.
Mirka was admitted to the shelter after the municipal catchers had brought her in for neutering. When we unloaded the group of dogs, we noticed a muscle atrophy on Mirka’s hind leg. We took her to the clinic for x-rays, but spared her the surgery – it was an old trauma that could be less painful with the right physiotherapy. Pain-free, Mirka showed her true self and became a fun-loving, energetic cage-boss. We are very glad that she will have people all to herself in her new, German life.
Zara was raised in a foster home ever since she was a 25-day-old dumped puppy. She and her brother were abandoned at a very fragile age, but were very lucky to find caring fosters. When the pups were 2 months old and had the vaccinations we need to admit them to the shelter, they siblings were moved to the Puppygarten. There, Zara’s brother – Rex, was adopted by a lovely Belgian couple and is living a dream life. Poor Zara was too shy and had to stay longer. She grew up in our care, and thanks to the care of the volunteers, she learned to trust and like people. As soon as she decided she should not be afraid – this wonderful opportunity came up for her and she is now in Germany!
And finally – the last, but definitely not least, lucky lady on this journey was everyone’s favorite girl – Mrs Mira! She came to us completely bald and couldn’t use her back leg at all. After a long treatment for her skin illness, thanks to your kindness and generosity, Mira was operated and finally – healthy and happy, she was ready to go home. Mira doesn’t think of us in her new German home – she should best forget the hunger, the chain, the abandonment – be happy, Mira, we love you!
Our most sincere thanks to the people that made this possible:
- The tireless Yvonne and her wonderful team – for giving so many doomed dogs a new life!
- The ARSofia sponsors that save lives and donate happiness on a daily basis!
- The volunteers, whose dedication gives faith, hope and obedience to the shelter dogs!
- The team of our shelter that rescued, treated, raised, prepared and transported the lucky doggies!