17 Dutchmen and 1 German lady get new lives abroad!

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The only German on this blessed transport was Bozhka – our 3-legged sweetheart. This friendly, kind, loving creature had to spend her whole childhood locked in a cage. Now she will finally be able to make up for the lost time!

And here follow our happy new Dutch doggies 🙂

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Little Harriet is a little angel we got with a very bad case of cherry eye. We guess that it is the reason for her abandonment. We operated her in the shelter and she became the best-looking dog at the shelter. Fortunately, she was found a lovely family in Holland meanwhile, so she left with the first possible chance she got!

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Irene is one of our so-called “tulips” – litter of loving dumped puppies. To their great misfortune, they arrived at the shelter in the begging of last summer, when we had no transport. So, unable to send them to new families abroad, we had to watch them grow until they were big enough to be moved to the big dog building with the rest of our poor in-mates. We only hope that Irene will be bringing luck to her other siblings, who are still waiting.

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Ike is 8 years old. He was diagnosed with megacolon, but it is a condition that he can live with, without any problems. Ike was brought to the shelter by his owners, who gave him up. He has been living on the balcony all these years, but is in a good shape and likes to play and train. Ike now has a new, loving home where he can give his best and not be let down!

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This lovely, jolly Rottweiler was found in the street. We called her Tundra. Although she didn’t have a microchip, when we found her – she was in a pretty good shape, so we expected someone to come looking for her. Tundra is a very friendly, sweet lady of about 6 years. She is already in her new home!

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And here is Muncho the pit – a heritage we got most unexpectedly from the Gypsies who were selling melons on the road by the shelter last autumn. The lucky guy was fostered for quite a while until we managed to find him a place to be loved. We hope he will be very lucky from now on!

And here is a group of babies. Most of them have been in the foster families of the people who found them, while they waited for their vaccines to kick-in.

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Riccono is a little girl, probably a pit bull mix. Jay is the baby of an owned Brittany spaniel – we neutered the mother before we admitted Jay.

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Jane and Jessy are sisters.

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These sweethearts are Jared, Jade and Janice. They too are dumped puppies, a brother and two sisters. Very quiet, calm and patient pups.

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Jamie, Janet, Jasmine and Josh are the four puppies from Gianine’s litter. Farewell, babies!

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And last, but most certainly not least – Don Gazpacho. He is wonderful deaf cat who was dumped in the middle of the forest! He will be loved and taken care of in Holland, and he will never be alone outside again.

We cordially thank:

  • Our wonderful colleagues in Holland and Germany for the lives they have helped save!
  • The fosters and volunteers who took care of the dogs when we could not!
  • The boys who drove the bus – yet another time the dogs have arrived safe and sound!
  • And most of all – the people who donate for animals in need – they are making all this possible!


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