17.07 Heroes of the day

FANTASTIC WORK, YOU ARE THE BEST – d-r Mila Bodadova, d-r Mitko Ivanov, Annie and Zapryan Vassilev, Stefka Angelova, Martin Miliev, Georgi Achov, Stella Cokeva, Elza Krasteva – thank you for the food also!, Galia Cvetkova, Maya Dobreva, Ina Guencheva, Silvia, Tzvetelina, Rossy and Fanny!

Mitko and Zapryan did a fabulous job with the trimmer! We will have much more space to walk the dogs now! Once again – so many dogs were walked, it is likely that the volunteers have went to the moon and back with a leash in hand. You’ve also been of great help to the keepers who are so overloaded with cleaning every single day – when so many helpers are there the job gets done so much faster!

See the lovely photoreport from a hot happy day:

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