The 1 = 2 campaign with 60K raised 4 tons of food!

The food has arrived! 23.06.2016

The first half of 4 tons of high-quality food that you donated for the dogs at the Farm has arrived!

To protect the food from rodents, we keep it in containers. We have enough containers to store 2 tons of food at one time. So, until the containers are empty again, the importers of Happy Dog will keep the second half of the food in their storage.


Hugs and gratitude to all the donors in the 60K International Contact Centres donation doubling campaign. Your generosity allows the dogs to live without hunger for the first summer in the 6 years since we began working. We cannot thank you enough…

Huge appreciation from all of us to the remarkable people at 60K. The dogs are lucky to be able to have your support and ideas, you’re an inspiration.

Campaign results: 21.06.2016


Dear donors,
with your amazing help and with the support of 60K International Contact Centres, we have managed to raise enough funds to purchase 4 tones of high-quality food for the dogs at the Farm shelter!

The funds you have sent for food in total are: 3 159BGN
Doubled by 60K International Contact Centres, that makes: 6 318BGN
Transformed into food, these are: 3 949kg, or 4 tons of food for the dogs!

You know that at any given time we have at least 60 puppies with us, also many ill animals. Each month, our 200 animals eat about 2,5 tons of dry food. It is especially hard to find quality feeding for the many patients and all the puppies. The best thing is that we are talking about a food of very high quality, and the price is very reasonable, only 0,26BGN more expensive than the low-quality food we usually have to buy.

We are eternally grateful to you for joining into this effort. The summer is here, donations are scarce – and it’s normal, who wants to think about problems right now. We were really worried how to provide the food for the dogs this summer and can take a breath on this matter.

We are now ordering 4 tons, about 1000kg more will be needed until September, but we’re hoping to be able to provide it through in-kind donations.

We wish our wonderful friends at 60K International Contact Centres great success, let them always be strong, united and kind!

And to all the donors, who joined forces for this amazing achievement, we wish a peaceful, happy summer, like it will be for the dogs at the shelter, thanks to you!

Original post: 16.06.2016


Dear friends,
the time has come to buy food again for the 200 hungry souls at the Farm – the containers are empty, we only have a few days ahead, before everything is gone.

We ask for your help again, so we can buy more of the quality food, manufactured for us at the Happy Dog factory in Germany. It is suitable for both puppies and ill animals with its 15% fat and 20% proteins). Hopefully, we will be able to get enough to last all the way till August.

IMPORTANT:  Our friends at 60K International Contact Centres will DOUBLE any donation you make for this campaign!

This means that:
10BGN donated by you + 10BGN from 60K = 20BGN for dog food!

If you are able to help, even by little, the Farmers would be greatly obliged:

37 Dragan Tzankov blvd, Sofia, BG
IBAN BGN: BG07FINV91501215999954
IBAN EUR: BG50FINV91501215999956
BENEFICIARY: A R Sofia Foundation
ADDRESS: 23 James Bourchier blvd, Sofia, BG

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Send SMS with body DMS DOG to 17 777

1 lv donation for subscribers of Vivacom, A1, Yettel (no VAT)

NB1 Even if you are unable to add a note to your donation, unless it is a recurring (monthly) donation, it will be included to this campaign.

NB2 It is not possible to donate with SMS for this campaign.

NB3 The campaign will last until 21.06 (Tuesday).

Fingers crossed for a great success!!!


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