06.01 14 pups from Seslavci transferred to Bogrov shelter

14 pups from the municipal shelter of Seslavci have found refuge at the shelter of Bogrov on Thursday after our lucky crew emptied out the quarantines.

The smallest of the pups have been picked up by the municipal hunters on Wednesday, they are 40 days old, without a mother, but in a good mental condition as they’re too small to understand what’s happening.

The other litter is 2 months old, without a mother as well. They are very frightened and have been vomiting balls of parasites since we de-wormed them. Hopefully they will gain weight with the parasites gone as they’re very skinny.

There is also a black pup who is alone in quarantine as his siblings have died and may be infectious.

There are also two bigger pups – 5-6 months old, very frightened, neutered. The female will need to undergo a sergery again as she has been sewn-up in an unimaginable way and has a burst of blood vessels in the area, she is traumatized and in a very poor condition. The boy is one of 3 dogs picked up form Alexandrovska hospital, who’s now been quite a while in Seslavci and is very unsocial.

For now the pups are warm, fed and de-wormed. They are placed in quarantine and will be vaccinated if they don’t show signs of illness. Unfortunately with pups so small and traumatized there is never a guarantee that they will not pick up an infectius desease, even vaccinated.

We vaccinate all puppies 3 times, first with DHP, and then with the full-blown pollyvalent vaccines. Even so, we have had cases of pups getting infections even with the full vaccination scheme done. Having so many dogs in one place is risky and we are always trying to vaccinate puppies on the spot before we admit them. Obviously in cases such as these we take the urgent measure of a transfer before vaccinations.

Here they are, cross your fingers for them:

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